Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Removing The Wedges From Our Souls

We all have a desire in us to do good.
We do the right things for the right reason... and sometimes we even do the right thing for the wrong reason like “I need to provide for my family (right thing)

... so instead of getting a job... I am going to steal (wrong reason).”
or even “Hey I want all of God's children to be saved (right thing)... but I'm going to force them all to do what's right... they will have no freedom to choose for themselves and 'I' will receive all the glory (wrong reason)”... and then there are those who do the wrong thing for the right reason. They have a Christlike desire to do good; however, their actions do not coincide with His teachings. For example, We may have a friend who is making choices that aren't really bringing them closer to God we will say. Their choice of friends... well... they're not great either. We have the “desire to do good” and help our friend, so we decide to hang out with THEIR group of friends and try to influence them for good. We may have a “desire to do good” but our “erroneous actions” don't line up with our “desire to do good.” From that one “small and simple” choice... “great things” will be brought to pass. Our “good influence” will be drowned out by their bad influences. 

The path we were once on will no longer be clear but “clouded by the mists of darkness.” The world will blind us and we will lose our way. 

It starts out like a wedge... slowly squeezing it's way into our souls. 

That blindness leads to breaking the commandments whether big or small... and opens the gates to Hell. We lose the Spirit of the Lord... because “the Spirit cannot dwell in unclean temples.” Righteous people may try to help give us direction and help us correct our wrong choices... but because we lack the Spirit and have hardened our hearts... we take offense. We do exactly as Jacob (Book of Mormon Prophet) warns us against and we let the “pride of our hearts destroy our souls.” We think to ourselves... “I am right... but If I am right then they (righteous people) have to be wrong.” We begin to attack everything about that person and what they represent. We forget our multiple witnesses that we received from our Supreme Creator, our Father in Heaven. This will eventually lead the to ultimate destruction of our souls... spiritual death.

We need the Atonement, the sacrifice of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We alone are indebted unto God... we sin and fall short of the glory of God... and Jesus Christ has made it possible, through His sacrifice, that our shortcoming will be made up for... we can be cleansed... and return to live with God.


  1. Your faith and testimony seem strong. Your conviction runs deep and it will guide you throughout your life. I pray for your peace and happiness. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I love this Chad. Thanks for staying strong. It will see you through some of the deepest trials of your life ( I promise for it has worked in my life ! )
